Yes. Anything that itches, bleeds and does not heal, or is changing or growing should be checked by a Board Certified Dermatologist. Some of the other signs to look for in a mole are: the A,B,C,D,and E's of detection. A is for Asymmetry meaning if one half of the mole looks different than the other half. B is for Border, meaning if the edge is irregular, scalloped or poorly defined. C is for Color, so if the mole varies from one area to another in color, has shades of brown and tan, black or darker than your other moles, is white, or has red or blue in it. D is for Diameter. If a mole is 6mm or larger (about the size of a pencil eraser), it should be checked. E is for Evolving. If a mole or area on the skin looks different or is changing in size, shape or color, that is a warning sign. All of these are signs that you should see a Board Certified Dermatologist for a full body skin examination.